Prop Photo Challenge

The theme for this week at I ♥ Faces is "Props". The challenge is to simply take a photo using a prop, and it's okay if a "face" isn't in the picture.

Oh, it's been quite some time since I've played along.  But after reading the Cake Smash post on I Heart Faces this week, I was a bit inspired.  Let's just say, I now have a few pictures that will be on my daughter's first birthday party invite next month!  And this picture fits perfectly with this week's theme. (Thanks Becky for encouraging me to enter).

Play along in the prop fun this week!

Cell Phone

The theme for this week at I ♥ Faces  is "Cell Phone".   The challenge is to simply take a photo with your phone this week.

Seeing that I have over 600 pictures on my phone (that I should take off and free up some space), I knew I had many to choose from and could play along. 

I ultimately choose a picture that I had my sister take for me with my iPhone. It was a sunny day, and the light was coming in just perfectly in her room.  I sat on chair with my two best girls, set the iPhone up (Hiptamatic  app), and told my sister which button to press.  That was it.  And this is one of my favorite pictures now.
Play along this week here.  It's an easy, fun week for sure!


The theme for this week at I ♥ Faces  is "Red".  They are celebrating Valentine’s Day in a bright, vibrant, fun way while also spreading the word about a fantastic cause… Go Red for Women.

You'd think with having a redheaded little toddler, I'd feature her this week.  Nope.  I thought in honor of Valentine's Day and heart health, this picture fit the bill perfectly!

Play along this week right over here!


The theme for this week at I ♥ Faces  is "Smiles".  It's also I Heart Faces 2nd birthday, so get ready for some fun celebrations!

Here's a quick little goofey smile of my oldest one, who really is not in to me taking pictures of her anymore!  She obliged for a minute because it had just started to snow, as you can see with the snowflakes in her hair.  We love to "tease" her that she has Mater-teeth (as in Mater from the movie Cars).

Play along this week right over here!

Absolute Best Face Photo of 2010

My first I ♥ Faces  of the New Year!  This week's theme encourages us to look back over all the photos we took in 2010.

I know for me, I didn't have nearly enough time to focus on my photography as I would have liked.  However, I did get to participate in the I ♥ Faces photowalk in June and the Boka Studios photowalk in November.  I sure hope that I can focus a little more on my photography this year and keep up with taking pictures of my sweet little girls.

So it's hard to pick just one picture that was my favorite for all of 2010, as I'm sure it would be for just about everyone else.  But this picture is the first of my own pictures that I ever decided to print larger than a 5X7, so I think it rates up there as a favorite :)

Hello & Welcome!

I've created a little blog just for my I ♥ Faces entries.  I'm hoping with the new year to participate in the weekly challenges on a more regular basis!   I love this site, I love all the ladies who work so hard to make it a success, and I love all the advice and support the community gives to one another.

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