Prop Photo Challenge
The theme for this week at I ♥ Faces is "Props". The challenge is to simply take a photo using a prop, and it's okay if a "face" isn't in the picture.
Play along in the prop fun this week!
The theme for this week at I ♥ Faces is "Props". The challenge is to simply take a photo using a prop, and it's okay if a "face" isn't in the picture.
The theme for this week at I ♥ Faces is "Cell Phone". The challenge is to simply take a photo with your phone this week.
The theme for this week at I ♥ Faces is "Red". They are celebrating Valentine’s Day in a bright, vibrant, fun way while also spreading the word about a fantastic cause… Go Red for Women.
The theme for this week at I ♥ Faces is "Smiles". It's also I Heart Faces 2nd birthday, so get ready for some fun celebrations!
My first I ♥ Faces of the New Year! This week's theme encourages us to look back over all the photos we took in 2010.
I've created a little blog just for my I ♥ Faces entries. I'm hoping with the new year to participate in the weekly challenges on a more regular basis! I love this site, I love all the ladies who work so hard to make it a success, and I love all the advice and support the community gives to one another.
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