Cell Phone

The theme for this week at I ♥ Faces  is "Cell Phone".   The challenge is to simply take a photo with your phone this week.

Seeing that I have over 600 pictures on my phone (that I should take off and free up some space), I knew I had many to choose from and could play along. 

I ultimately choose a picture that I had my sister take for me with my iPhone. It was a sunny day, and the light was coming in just perfectly in her room.  I sat on chair with my two best girls, set the iPhone up (Hiptamatic  app), and told my sister which button to press.  That was it.  And this is one of my favorite pictures now.
Play along this week here.  It's an easy, fun week for sure!

Anonymous –   – (February 21, 2011 at 5:46 AM)  

Great use of light!

Tamar SB  – (February 21, 2011 at 9:14 AM)  

What a sweet picture, love the natural light!


Unknown  – (February 22, 2011 at 11:02 AM)  

I love this picture so much Brooke!

Candice  – (April 15, 2011 at 10:41 AM)  

The girls are getting big and looking gorgeous. Can you resend me your blog info??

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